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druckluftbetriebenen Werkzeugen aller Art
Hotline +49 3496 - 21 96 70 (Frau Bretting)
Ihr Fachpartner & Servicedienstleister
für den Verkauf, Reparatur & Wartung von
druckluftbetriebenen Werkzeugen aller Art
Hotline +49 3496 - 21 96 70 (Frau Bretting)
Profiled seals are often used to install pressure gauges. Compared with flat seals or sealing edge rings, they have the advantage of being able to turn one rotation more after the pressure gauge has been sealed (profiled seals made of stainless steel can turn approx. 1/2 rotation more). Therefore, it is possible to position the pressure gauge in such a way that the display can be read. When installing a pressure gauge with a plastic thread, we recommend using the extra soft aluminium gasket. In general, a profiled seal cannot be reused after being installed!